2. Make the call.

    3. Tell us how it went.

    Who did you call?

    Tell Your Representative: Leave My Online Privacy Alone

    House Republicans are wasting no time bringing the attacks on online privacy to the floor for a vote. In fact, S.J. Res. 34 is scheduled to be debated as early as tonight.

    If the House passes S.J. Res. 34, it will take only Trump's signature to eliminate FCC rules adopted last year that prohibit phone and cable companies from selling your private data (such as your web-browsing history) to advertisers and other companies without your consent. This is a bill that benefits only large corporations like AT&T, Comcast and Verizon — and at our expense. It's inexcusable for Congress to exploit our personal information like this.

    We're working with nearly a dozen other organizations to make phones ring off the hook on Capitol Hill this morning. And we know that calls work. If we make enough noise, we can stop this bill in its tracks.

    Pick up the phone now and call Congress. We can't let it undermine our online privacy.

    Original image by Flickr user tua ulamac