To Fox News:

By protecting Bill O’Reilly, you’re defending yet another serial sexual harasser and racist at your network. It’s time to cut O’Reilly loose.

Fox News, take O’Reilly off the air.

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    Don’t Come Back, Bill O’Reilly

    Last month, it was reported that Fox News and Bill O’Reilly paid approximately $13 million to settle sexual-harassment allegations from five women against the O’Reilly Factor host.1 Clearly, the network has learned nothing from the horrible legacy of former CEO Roger Ailes.

    O’Reilly, who became famous for spouting so-called “controversial” opinions, dug his grave a little deeper a few weeks ago when he made an overtly racist comment about Rep. Maxine Waters while on the air.2

    Now more than 50 advertisers have pulled ads from the O’Reilly Factor to protest the fact that he still has a job.

    Tell Fox to cut Bill O’Reilly loose — it’s unacceptable that it’s been protecting yet another serial sexual harasser and racist.

    O’Reilly is currently on a vacation that could be extended permanently.3 It looks like he’s on thin ice with Fox — if we put the pressure on we can make sure he has nothing left to stand on.

    1. “Bill O’Reilly Thrives at Fox News Even as Harassment Allegations Pile Up,” The New York Times, April 1, 2017:

    2. “You Will Not Believe What Bill O’Reilly Said About Maxine Waters’ Hair,” Refinery 29, March 28, 2017:

    3. “Bill O’Reilly’s No-Job Zone: The Fox News Blowhard Is Taking a Vacation from His Show but May Never Return,” Salon, April 12, 2017:

    Original image by Justin Hoch