Donate to Free Press Action Fund

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    Donate to Free Press

    Your monthly gift to Free Press Action Fund will make a difference all year long.

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    Fund the Fight Today

    Our staff and members were unstoppable in 2018.

    Together we achieved remarkable wins — milestones that were all the more remarkable in light of nonstop attacks on everyone’s rights to connect and communicate.

    We’ve got big fights ahead in 2019, including our campaigns to restore the Net Neutrality rules, revive local journalism, stop toxic media mergers and combat hateful activities online. Your gift today will help keep the wins coming and move us closer to the world we want and deserve to live in. We’re grateful for every dollar you donate.

    Unlike most groups, we don’t take a cent from business, government or political parties, and rely on contributions from charitable foundations and individuals like you to keep our work going strong — and to stay independent.

    Donate today!

    To make a tax-deductible contribution to Free Press, click here.