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    Stop the FCC’s Dangerous Media Consolidation Agenda

    We’ve sued the FCC — again.

    We’ve joined forces with our allies to file a lawsuit in federal court to stop the FCC’s repeal of local media ownership limits. We sued on the basis of the agency’s failure to consider the impact of its decisions on localism, diversity and competition in broadcast ownership.

    The FCC’s recent decisions to relax cross-ownership and local television limits are unconscionable. If the FCC gets its way, a handful of big companies will own even more of our media, control a majority of the news and information people receive — and deprive communities of the diverse viewpoints that are essential to a healthy democracy.

    The agency failed to follow orders from the federal courts which have directed it — three times — to examine how its media ownership rule changes impact broadcast ownership diversity, even as people of color own just a tiny fraction of broadcast stations in the U.S. This is patently discriminatory.

    Chip in $10 (or whatever you can) to help us win in court and stop the FCC from allowing more media consolidation.