Help Us Fight Back Against Trump's FCC
One of the most powerful tools we have to fight back — and advance positive change — is the court system.
As we write this, we're prepping for two big federal-court cases that would:
- Reverse the FCC’s shameful decision to destroy the Net Neutrality rules. Restoring the open-internet protections is essential to people’s ability to tell their own stories, organize their communities and chart a future where everyone’s rights are protected.
- Stop the FCC’s repeal of local media-ownership limits. Keeping the limits in place would allow communities to access more diverse voices and perspectives.
You can supercharge our chances of winning by chipping in $10 (or any amount) to support our lawsuits against the Trump FCC. We're aiming to raise $150K by Dec. 31 to support our legal work — and every dollar you donate gets us closer to our goal.
Your generosity is key to our legal team’s success: We don’t take money from business, government or political parties and rely on charitable foundations and individual donors like you.
We can win these crucial court cases — but only with your help. So help us sue the s*#t out of the FCC.
A generous donor will match all donations dollar for dollar up to $50,000. So double your gift by donating today!