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    Donate to End Mass Surveillance

    This week more than 3,000 people marched to the Capitol to demand an end to unchecked spying and surveillance. Watch the video above to see the highlights.

    The rally is over, but this is just the beginning of our fight. Help us raise $20,000 to jumpstart our massive local organizing campaign so that we can transform the power of the rally to lasting change.

    We won’t rest until we have a government that doesn’t spy on the people but answers to them.

    Your contribution to the Free Press Action Fund gives people a powerful voice in media policy debates. We need your support to ensure that the NSA hears us loud and clear: Stop Watching Us.

    Free Press and the Free Press Action Fund do not support or oppose any candidate for public office. We are nonpartisan organizations advocating for universal and affordable Internet access, diverse media ownership, vibrant public media and quality journalism. We may deliver petitions and surveys you've completed to the president, federal and state legislators, or agencies like the Federal Communications Commission. We request your address so we can deliver your message to the appropriate office, and may include in these deliveries information such as your name, town or city and state. We take your privacy seriously — read our privacy policy here.