Tell the Justice Department You Won't Stand for Attacks on Press Freedom
It was just revealed that the Justice Department secretly obtained the phone records of political reporters from the Associated Press in a "massive and unprecedented" violation of journalists' constitutional right to gather and report the news.1 The government reportedly seized call logs and records from more than 20 AP phone lines in three sites, including the agency’s main phone inside the House of Representatives press gallery. This kind of behavior could have a chilling effect on journalists and whistleblowers everywhere.2
This unprecedented abuse will continue unless we speak out. We'll deliver your signatures to the DoJ and Congress — and will push Congress to launch an investigation. Americans must not stand for this attack on press freedom.
1. "Government Obtains Wide AP Phone Records in Probe," Associated Press, May 13, 2013: http://bigstory.ap.org/article/govt-obtains-wide-ap-phone-records-probe
2. "Justice Department Investigation of AP Part of Larger Pattern to Intimidate Sources and Reporters," Freedom of the Press Foundation, May 13, 2013: https://pressfreedomfoundation.org/blog/2013/05/justice-department-investigation-ap-part-larger-pattern-intimidate-sources-and